FA: Communications/Media Relations

FA Description

Media Operations is responsible for the servicing and management of all accredited media during Games-time, including the management of photo positions, i-zones, media work rooms, etc.

Position Summary

Oversees management of Media Central, providing client services and work space for journalists and photographers. Distributes photo bibs to photographers and media kits to journalists. Media Central will serve as Venue Media Workroom for Fort York and Nathan Phillips Square sports. Manages late accreditation requests. This role also acts as Media Operations FCC Manager.

Key Skill/ Area of Experience: Media Relations


Provide a brief list of the tasks (max of 5) as they relate to the above experience

Key Skill/ Area of Experience: Customer Service


  • Provide a brief list of the tasks (max of 5) as they relate to the above experience

Key Skill/ Area of Experience: Volunteer Management/Human Resources


  • Provide a brief list of the tasks (max of 5) as they relate to the above experience